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The Shipping Administration has issued the first qualification document in accordance with the renewed procedure

опубліковано 15 March 2023 року, 15:49

The Shipping Administration has issued the first qualification document in accordance with the procedure stipulated by Government Resolution No. 1499 dated 30.12.2022. Thus, the seafarer, who submitted an application for endorsement of qualification according to the period of service, within 10 days received a favourable decision of the State Qualification Commission for Seafarers and a certificate of Chief engineer officer with endorsement.

It should be noted that an application is considered by the State Qualification Commission for Seafarers within five working days starting from the date of its submission. In case when the State Qualification Commission for Seafarers takes a decision to issue a qualification document after reviewing the seafarer's application, it is also possible to receive such document within 5 working days.

Nota bene: The international maritime community is aware of the changes in the certification system that are currently taking place in Ukraine. Therefore, the only legitimate seafarers' qualification documents after 14.02.2023 are those issued by the Shipping Administration in accordance with the procedure provided for by the Government Resolution No. 1499 dated 30.12.2022