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Over 20,000 seafarers have already received confirmation from the Shipping Administration to cross the state border

опубліковано 15 March 2023 року, 15:15

In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 992 dated 02.09.2022, crossing the state border during martial law in Ukraine requires confirmation of the receipt of copies of educational and qualification documents.

The Shipping Administration verifies in its capacity the documents submitted by seafarers on a daily basis. In case of successful verification, the Shipping Administration provides an applicant with the above-mentioned confirmation signed by its Head or Deputy Head. Thus, the obtained documents must be further provided to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and to the Territorial Centers of Recruitment and Social Support.

It should be pointed out that every document submitted for consideration must be duly certified under the relevant procedure.

Nota bene: The confirmation of receipt of copies of educational and qualification documents is valid for 30 days from the date of their signing. Should the confirmation expire, the subsequent actions to be taken are available at the link: https://cutt.ly/H9wDVKn.

In case of submitting copies of documents for consideration by the Shipping Administration for the first time, the instructions to be followed are available at the link: https://bit.ly/3LvUrG6