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The first seafarer was certified under the new procedure

опубліковано 10 March 2023 року, 17:01

The State Qualification Commission for Seafarers, having reviewed the first seafarer's application, decided to endorse his professional competence according to his period of service.

The application submitted by the seafarer, together with the copies of documents, met the requirements of the Regulations on the Ranks of Officers of Seagoing Ships and the Procedure for their Assignment, adopted by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1499 dated 30.12.2022. Thus, the seafarer obtained the right to receive the diploma and confirmation for which he had applied.

The State Service for Maritime, Inland Waterway Transport and Shipping of Ukraine urges the maritime community to support the enforced transparent procedures. It is highly recommended to submit applications to the Shipping Administration or the service center “Morrichservice” and receive qualification documents according to a simple and clearly defined procedure under the Ukrainian legislation.