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The State Qualification Commission for Seafarers as a part of the Shipping Administration has started its work in Odesa

опубліковано 23 March 2023 року, 15:05

We have increased the size of the State Qualification Commission for Seafarers (SQCS). From now on, it also functions in Odesa considering the applications of seafarers and deciding on confirmation of competences, as well as conducting examinations.

Iryna Korytska and Volodymyr Kozachuk have joined the SQCS in Odesa, both having a maritime education and practical experience of international voyages.

Iryna Korytska is a graduate of the National University “Odesa Maritime Academy”, having worked many years as a Сhief Mate on vessels.

Volodymyr Kozachuk also graduated from the National University “Odesa Maritime Academy” and started his career as the 4th Mate at the state enterprise “Black Sea Shipping Company”. He has perennial experience of international voyages, in particular as the Master of a vessel.

None of them had previously held positions in the civil service in the maritime field.

Consequently, the SQCS in Odesa will consider the applications of seafarers and make decisions on confirmation of competences, as well as conduct examinations. Seafarers will obtain, thereafter, the opportunity to receive transparent services in the field of certification in Odesa at the following addresses:

the Shipping Administration (4 Uspenska Street, Odesa)

the service center (SC) “Morrichservice” (39-e M. Hrushevskoho Street, Odesa).

The examinations will be held in the SC “Morrichservice” (Odesa, Hrushevskoho str, 39-e).

If, after considering the seafarer's application, the SQCS makes a decision on issuing a qualification document, the latter can also be obtained at the above-mentioned addresses.

Please note: the SQCS has been fully functioning since February 14 in Kyiv, so information with respect to submitting an application, obtaining qualification documents and taking an exam outside Odesa is available at the following link: https://marad.gov.ua/ua/news/de-ta-yak-mozhna-podati-zayavu-projti-ispit-otrimati-kvalifikacijni-dokumenti-za-novoyu-proceduroyu.

It is important to note that only legitimate qualification documents are those issued by the Shipping Administration. Currently, there is only one person authorized to issue qualification documents. All qualification documents that were not issued by the authorized person are unlawful. In order to verify the seafarer’s documents, until the information and communication system in the field of training and certification of ship crew members is implemented, it was decided to verify them by sending the relevant documents to the email: [email protected].

The team is currently working on the implementation of remote submission of the documents. The seafarer will have the opportunity to receive services in the field of certification through the Diia portal afterwards.

The Shipping Administration urges the maritime community to support the implementation of such transparent procedures and recommends to verify qualification documents in the only legal way provided for by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1499 dated 30.12.2022.