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Speech of the Head of the Shipping Administration of Ukraine at the Ukrainian Maritime Forum

опубліковано 14 June 2024 року, 16:46

Ladies and gentlemen!

I am honoured to meet with representatives of global maritime institutions and states at the Ukrainian Maritime Forum.

To represent the maritime industry and the interests of Ukrainian seafarers in London is important to us. In this way, we feel the support of our partners at a key period of Ukrainian history. At the time of russia's full-scale aggression  against Ukraine, your support for our seafarers is a contribution to global maritime security.

Ukraine has a strong grain production sector. The lives of (400) four hundred million people in the world depend on Ukrainian food exports. Especially in Africa. But it is now impossible to fully use this potential. russia is regularly shelling Ukraine's port infrastructure. russia is ruining our maritime trade routes.

So, I want you to remember my speech with following words: safety, support and fair treatment.

SAFETY. Ukraine is fighting Russia's food blackmail. The Black Sea Grain Initiative was in place. Russia left it and kept terrorizing Ukraine.

We now have our own grain corridor. It exceeds the former deal in volume. In April of this year, we reached record levels of exports (over thirteen million tonnes). It was higher than the pre-war level. In the 10 months of the grain corridor's operation:

  • more than (1700) one thousand seven hundred ships passed through it;
  • more than (33) thirty-three million tonnes of food products were transported - more than in the first year of the Grain Deal.

The price of such actions by Ukrainians is the risk of losing their lives every day while working to uphold global food security. The situation is not changing. The danger of a global food crisis still exists. After this meeting  I hope to leave this room with guarantees of stable support for Ukraine  and Ukrainian seafarers.

We must judge Russia's terrorist actions in practical ways:

  • sanctions
  • limited oil transportation
  • punishment of war criminals.

This is the only option to restore safety in the Black and Azov Seas.

SUPPORT. Sadly, many of our seafarers lost their jobs  because of the war of the russian federation against Ukraine. In (2021) twenty twenty-one , they were (4%) four per cent of all employed seafarers in the world.  This is why Ukraine's economy is suffering. Seafarers are a source of foreign currency for our country. This is the key to reconstruction and stability.

I would like to point out that some of them have changed their maritime uniforms for military ones and stood up to defend Ukraine. That is why our specialists need help in finding employment and support in their work as never before.

So , we see cooperation in the maritime education sector as another priority. Ukraine is open to projects to improve the training and certification system. This requires a huge investment.

Qualified Ukrainian seafarers are a ‘win-win’ strategy for everyone. This is the only way to use the maritime potential of states in an efficient and green manner.

FAIR TREATMENT. This year will be the (14th) four-teenth Day of the Seafarer. Its focus is on the development of the maritime industry as a safe place to work. Ukrainian specialists help to develop global shipping every day. At the same time, russian seafarers are breaking the IMO's (ай ем ос) basic principle called ‘Safety First’:

  • the russian navy regularly shells Ukrainian ports  and civilian objects;
  • russians stole over (1700) one thousand seven hundred tonnes of Ukrainian food products. Some of it was illegally transported by sea from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine;
  • russian seafarers keep working freely in many countries. So, russia continues to have the material resources to terrorise Ukraine. Every dollar, euro it receives for its maritime services is spent on drones, ballistic missiles and shells that kill Ukrainians every day.

We call you to be honest with yourself. There is no place for russian seafarers in the fleets of civilised nations. Hire Ukrainian professionals, do not give this chance to russian personnel.

I greatly hope that Ukraine of the future  is a maritime developed economy. A country whose reconstruction will be the next phase  in the evolution of the international maritime industry. A place where every seafarer can get a qualification and bring their professionalism to all continents.

Ukraine gives us a chance to demonstrate the unity of the world around peace and progress. This is also possible thanks to international support for Ukraine. This is the only way you can protect the world with real actions and give light a chance, not darkness.

Thank you for your attention.

Glory to Ukraine!