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серед нормативних актів

First meeting of the Appeal Commission

опубліковано 02 May 2023 року, 15:43

The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 30.12.2022 No. 1499 "Some

Issues of Assigning Ranks to Officers of Seagoing Ships" implies the possibility of appealing the decisions of the State Qualification Commission for Seafarers (SQCS) to the Appeal Commission.

The first complaints have already been submitted to the Appeal Commission for consideration. Thus, the first appeal regarding the refusal to assign a rank to seafarers was considered by reason of the lack of a certificate of successful completion of the advanced training course, subject to the availability of Master's diplomas on maritime higher education.

The Appeal Commission unanimously made a decision in this respect to satisfy the seafarers’ appeals what will be counted by the members of SQCS in the further decision-making process.

Please note: the Appeal Commission includes representatives of the Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine, while the review of appeals takes place with the public supervision.